Here’s how to avoid the most common problems we see when people are choosing a fencing contractor.
It’s pretty easy for the average homeowner to look at a fence and wonder… what the heck could go wrong? It’s just a fence.
The fence contractor will get in, dig the little holes, put up the fence and be gone.
Simple, right?
Not always.
Let’s face it, we are talking about south Louisiana and we are prone to extreme weather conditions. Also, accidents do happen especially if the contractor isn’t careful.
Installing the fence on the neighbor’s property
The simplest and most common mistake that a fence builder can make is to build your fence on your neighbor’s property.
This happens all the time!
When it does, guess who is responsible for the cost to remove the fence and relocate it?
You are 100% responsible.
How comfortable are you that the guy with the lowest price will have the integrity to spend his money to solve your problem?
Cutting Utility Lines
Let’s go to the extreme and talk about something that happens a lot actually.
The fence builder that you have hired to build your new fence begins digging in your yard, but an accident happens when the digging device cuts an underground utility line!
While some cable and telephone lines are easy to repair, other lines such as fiber-optic utility lines are extremely expensive to repair.
But what happens if the fence builder accidentally digs into a high voltage utility line or a high-pressure gas line?
The cost to repair this sort of damage is very expensive and has even had deadly consequences.
Guess what, who do you think is responsible for the damages and in the worst-case scenario, loss of life?
See a trend here?
Choosing Low Quality Materials
Now, how about the materials that you choose to use for your fence and the ability of your fence builder to construct the fence?
We are talking about south Louisiana and we are prone to extreme weather conditions. While no one can prevent mother nature’s toll on outdoor products but an experienced and professional fence builder can furnish the right materials and construct your fence in a manner that will reduce the effects of mother nature as much as possible.
If your fence builder constructs your fence with rubbish materials or poor craftsmanship, how comfortable are you that the fence builder with the lowest price will have the integrity to spend his money to solve your problem?
You’re Not Alone
All of the above examples that have been identified and dealt with before by the American Fence Association, The Louisiana Board Of Contractors, and even the Louisiana judicial system. All of the examples mentioned above could have been avoided or minimized by simple processes and procedure provided by Forrest Scott Fencing.
Accidents do happen, that’s why they are called accidents.
The difference is that Forrest Scott Fencing is fully insured by Workers Compensation & General Liability Insurance. FSF is also a Licensed General Contractor, members of the American Fence Association, and licensed and bonded to build fences in East Baton Rouge Parish.
When you choose Forrest Scott Fencing you can be certain that FSF has systems and procedures in place to make sure at you get the maximum VALUE for your purchase. This does not mean that other fence builders are also providing the same services or that the other fence builders will have the proper licensing, training, knowledge, or insurances to provide equal value or peace of mind.
You do deserve what you pay for, make sure that you maximize that value.